There are many ways to get to MOONEYES Area-1 and MQQN Cafe!
If you are coming by car, it is most convenient as we have parking behind our building. However, parking is limited. You can also find coin-parking (metered) nearby. On Sundays and Japanese national holidays, we have additional free customer parking in an extra lot behind our store. Using the train or taking the bus as transportation is also very simple. There are several options.
Underst anding these directions. You have limitless options. Take a combination of all three: train, taxi and bus. Or simply walk the distance from the station. Below are sets of instructions for basic “point-A-to-point-B” travel. Just remember the destination address of MOONEYES: 2-10 Honmoku-Miyahara and you’ll be fine. (Take a picture and keep it on your phone for reference)
MOONEYES Area-1, MQQN Cafe Location
(address in Japanese: 横浜市中区 本牧宮原2-10)
Our full address is 2-10 HONMOKU-MIYAHARA, NAKA-KU, YOKOHAMA, KANAGAWA 231-0804
Tel:+81 45 623-5959
Fax:+81 45 623-9663
Monday through Saturday 11:00AM to 8:00PM
Sunday & Holidays 10:00AM to 8:00PM
Tel:+81 45 623-3960
Monday through Friday : 11:30AM to 8:30PM (Last Order: 8:00PM)
Saturday, Sunday & Holidays: 10:30AM to 8:30PM (Last Order: 8:00PM)
Taking a taxi from Yokohama Station is expensive but it’s the easiest method. It takes about 20 minutes depending on traffic and will cost at least 3,000 yen. You want to go on HONMOKU-DORI, HONMOKU-MIYAHARA. As you get close, you will see MOONEYES Area-1 on your left. Point and tell the driver to stop there.
From YOKOHAMA station by train, you have two basic options: Subway or JR Line.
If you are using JR Lines and arrive at Yokohama station, simply change platforms (don’t exit the gates). You are looking for NEGISHI LINE. Ask an attendant which direction to go. Going the wrong direction, you will head towards Tokyo. Heading in the correct direction, most trains on Negishi Line are destined for ISOGO or OFUNA but it’s better to ask. It’s just 3 or 4 stops from Yokohama station.
From Yokohama, the train will stop at SAKURAGICHO, KANNAI, ISHIKAWACHO, & YAMATE (in that order).
Be sure you are heading in the correct direction. Next stop is SAKURAGICHO. If you are riding at the front of the train, we suggest getting off at ISHIKAWACHO, the 3rd stop. If you do, head down the big stairs, exit straight ahead at the ticket gate, exit straight to the street and turn right. You will be walking against vehicle traffic (it’s a one way street).
In a few minutes you will come to large intersection (stop light). Right across the street is a fancy sign that has MOTOMACHI at the top. This area is a very popular shopping district. Cross the street at the intersection because you want to turn and head to the right. From here, you can jump in a taxi (about 1,500yen) which takes about 10 minutes or take a bus, 15 minutes.
Be sure to recognize that you are heading into a small tunnel, not the other direction over a bridge, under the expressway. Walking from here is not recommended (about 45 minutes) however it is possible. If you take the bus, it’s easiest to keep watch to the left side because you will pass the MOONEYES Area-1 shop.
When you see the neon sign, click the buzzer to get off at the next stop and walk back.
TRAIN (2):
If you end up going to the fourth stop, YAMATE, it’s good to be riding towards the rear of the train (second car from the back) as this brings you closer to the stairs when you get off at the 4th stop from Yokohama station.
There’s only one exit. Down the stairs, out the gate, and walk towards your left. You will see a taxi area and a bus stop. We recommend taking a taxi from here. Show the driver our address. It’s about 10 minutes and cost about 1,200yen.
If you continue walking, you will see a 7-Eleven convenience store in front of you. Turn right at the 7-Eleven and walk under the train tracks and proceed for about 7 minutes. You will walk against vehicle traffic (one way street) so please be careful as there are no sidewalks on this street. Once you hit a large intersection (stop light), you are on HONMOKU-DORI, the same street as getting off at the 3rd train stop. This street leads to MOONEYES.
Cross the street, turn right and walk with traffic on the left side sidewalk until you see a bus stop. Or take a taxi from this point, around 800yen (under 5 minutes). Walking from here takes about 20-30 minutes.
Taking the subway, is easy because it’s the last stop, MOTOMACHI-CHUKAGAI. However, from there it’s challenging and we recommend taking a taxi. If you are up to the challenge, take a look at the map below. A taxi from this station will be about 1,500yen.
From YOKOHAMA station by bus, it will take approximately 30 minutes. It’s complicated because there are many stops and many buses. Ask any bus driver at the bus terminal how to get to HONMOKU-MIYAHARA.
The more common bus numbers are 8, 58, 102 & 105 however there are others. From Yokohama station, you can only go one direction so you are safe to assume it will head in the correct direction. On the link below to the official bus route, click on the PDF and get ready to be blown away at their complex route system(!).
Official Yokohama area BUS Route Map (English)

Colored routes:
The above image map has colored routes to help point out the directions.
As explained above, the YELLOW routes show Ishikawacho & Yamate routes.
The MINT GREEN route is from Motomachi-Chukagai and takes you around, keeping you on the main street.
If you are arriving at Minato-mirai subway line (Toyoko line from Shibuya) it’s the last stop called Motomachi-Chukagai station. When you get off the train, there are two exits. Be sure to exit for MOTOMACHI or you will end up on the opposite side of the expressway which is Chinatown.
When you exit, make a right turn and walk until you come to a main intersection. You will see “Donkihote” mega store on that corner. From there you want to turn right. Buses do travel along this road but we recommend a taxi, which will cost about 1,500yen.
The PURPLE route travels from Motomachi-Chukagai station through MOTOMACHI shopping district. When you come to the main intersection (HONMOKU-dori), there are taxis to the right or turn left and you’ll see a bus stop there too.
Google Map Direction Links:
Both of the following locations are about the same, walking distance and time (about 30 minutes on foot). It depends on what train you are coming on (JR or subway). From these routes, taking a bus or taxi is also an option.
· From Yamate station
· From Motomachi-Chukagai (subway) station
The above map shows a simple route where you stay on the main street.
Page updated as of July 2016